
COVID-19 Message

Stay healthy! We are open and here for you.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Thank you for choosing Bellevue Medical Imaging during this unprecedented time.

Your health is our number one priority as we combat the spread of Coronavirus/ COVID-19.

Please view the list below to see the requirements to having your exam at our facility. You will be asked the questions below and have your temperature checked before entering our facility.

This is for your safety, as well as our patients’ and staff’s.

Screening Questions, are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Fever
  • Respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath)
  • Contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patient
  • Travel within the last 30 days (even in the USA)
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (with exceptions to specific exams)

If you have traveled outside the state, we will ask you to self quarantine for two weeks or share your negative COVID-19 test results with us.

We are not allowing friends/family to accompany patients except under special and approved circumstances.

Drivers for patients with valium can sign documents at the door and then return to their car to wait.

The exception is interpreters who are to be screened as normal or parent/guardian for patients under 18.

Family members and friends will need to wait in their cars.

Absolutely NO patients with a cough will be seen in our clinic at this time.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!


Patients are required to wear a mask or face covering

Precautionary Screening

We will be screening each patient and staff member before they enter the building, including temperature checks.

COVID-19 Patients

If you have been in contact with anyone who is confirmed or suspected of having the coronavirus, we require you be tested before coming to your appointment.

How We Are Working To Keep You Healthy

YOU and your health are our ‘Why’.

You are ‘why’ we offer the lowest cash rates. You are ‘why’ we are open 5 days a week. You are ‘why’ we have stayed open and ready to help through this pandemic.

You are also ‘why’ are also holding our clinic and staff at the highest standard of cleanliness and care.

Here are some of the many precautionary steps we are taking at BMI:

  • We are screening each and every staff member and patient before they enter the building.
  • We are sanitizing anything touched by patients: pens, clipboards, chairs, handicap equipment, door handles and, of course, any medical exam equipment.
  • We are not allowing any patients or staff members into our clinic who are experiencing any flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms.
  • We are practicing social distancing by staff members and patients. Our waiting room seating is spaced accordingly and we are only allowing a certain amount of patients in each room.

Have any specific requests or needs? Please do not hesitate to let us know.

It’s our pleasure to help you!

Staff and Patient Social Distancing

All Items Continuously Sanitized

All CDC Requirements Obeyed